When is my meat on the bbq done?

A frequently asked question when it comes to barbecue. Now barbecue is not an exact science and every barbecue and every piece of meat is different. Then we’re not even talking about the outside temperature, wind direction, fuel, etc….

The core temperature ultimately determines whether your dish is ready, has been cooked correctly, has reached maximum tenderness and juiciness and is food safe. And so not the barbecue time! This overview provides some guidelines and a rough estimate of preparation times. A good digital core temperature meter is essential!

Rules of thumb:

+ The thicker the meat, the lower the temperature of the barbecue.

+ The thinner the meat, the higher the temperature of the barbecue.

+ The more fat and connective tissue in the meat, the longer the preparation time.

+ The less connective tissue, the shorter the preparation time.

+ The more the meat has been worked, the harder the meat and the longer the cooking time.

+ The more stable the temperature in the barbecue, the better the end result.

How warm does my barbecue need to be?

Barbecue temperature  ˚C
Cold smoking 1 24
Smoking 50 100
Barbecuing 107 150
Grilling 150 260
Searing 260 400

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