
How to grill barbecue spareribs

Prepare for a mouthwatering BBQ experience with our comprehensive guide to grilling spareribs. Whether you’re in the Netherlands or the U.S., we’ve got the tips and tricks you need for perfect ribs every time.

Pro Tips:

  • Choosing the Right Type of Ribs: In the Netherlands, back ribs are common (Baby back ribs), while in America, belly ribs are the go-to. For an authentic experience, opt for thick, meaty belly ribs, also known as Saint Louis style.
  • In America, there are roughly three types of ribs: Baby back ribs, Saint Louis cut ribs, and belly ribs. The belly ribs are commonly called Spareribs or Porkribs everywhere in America.
  • The Babybacks are similar to our spareribs and can be recognized by their more pronounced curve because they are higher up on the back. The spareribs or bellyribs are located lower towards the belly of the pig. These are sometimes found in the Netherlands as belly ribs, although the American version is often thicker. The St. Louis cut is sliced from the lower part of the back ribs and the upper part of the belly ribs and is recognizable by its tight rectangular shape. This is also the type used in BBQ competitions.
  • The Perfect Timing for Your Ribs: The 3-2-1 method is ideal for American-style ribs but may be excessive for Dutch ribs. Consider adjusting the timing for each step.
  • Mastering the Art of BBQ Spareribs: Spareribs can be challenging to get right. Don’t lose heart if your first attempt doesn’t meet your expectations.

Key Information for BBQ Spareribs: Cooking Times, Temperatures, and More

Preperation: 10-30 min.
Marinading: 1-3 hrs.
Time to grill 3-6 hrs.
Difficulty (1-5) 4
Temperature BBQ: 110 ˚C
Core temperature finished product* 86 ˚C
  • Texture and bite are the leading factor, so don’t worry so much about this.

Step-by-Step Guide to BBQ Spareribs: A Detailed Walkthrough

Step 1: Preparing your spareribs

Begin by selecting your preferred rub—either Spicy Chipotle or All-Purpose. Generously coat the ribs and let them marinate in the refrigerator for 1 to 3 hours to allow the flavors to fully integrate.

Step 2: Grilling Techniques for Spareribs & Achieving the Perfect Core Temperature

Preheat your closed barbecue to a stable 110˚C. Place the spareribs on the grill and cook them slowly. Depending on the thickness and type of ribs, cooking time can range from 3 to 6 hours. Aim for a core temperature of around 86˚C, but remember, the texture and bite are what truly matter.

Step 3: Serve

As your ribs near completion, it’s time to pick your sauce. Whether you prefer Kansas City Red or Memphis Sweet and Smoky, apply it generously. For an extra kick, add a dash of California hot sauce. Your BBQ spareribs are now ready to impress your guests and satisfy your taste buds. Happy grilling!


Want to learn how to cook Beef short ribs? Watch this video!